"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail" -Emerson

C&O Canal 100miler

Thoughts post first 100 mile run:
(April, 2013)

"Perhaps the genius of ultrarunning is its supreme lack of utility. It makes no sense in a world of space ships and supercomputers to run vast distances on foot. There is no money in it and no fame, frequently not even the approval of peers. But as poets, apostles and philosophers have insisted from the dawn of time, there is more to life than logic and common sense. The ultra runners know this instinctively. And they know something else that is lost on the sedentary. They understand, perhaps better than anyone, that the doors to the spirit will swing open with physical effort. In running such long and taxing distances they answer a call from the deepest realms of their being -- a call that asks who they are ..." - David Blaikie

I thank Elaine Abercrombie for sending that quote to me. It's so true.

I wanted to just take a second to thank everyone who has supported, despite maybe not understanding, me in my quest to tackle becoming a runner. It has been a long 4 years since I began this journey from barely running a mile to completing my first 100mi ultra run this weekend. I'm honored to call so many runners and ultra runners not only my mentors, but my friends- you all are such inspirations to me.

This weekend I learned that anything is possible if you want, and believe, in it enough. We can try all we like to will ourselves to greatness, but the truth is that nothing comes without work. The best things in life are those we work hard for and earn... the things that our blood, sweat and tears are poured into. (And I don't just apply this to ultras, but to all things important to us).

I refer to and quote the above: "In running such long and taxing distances they answer a call from the deepest realms of their being -- a call that asks who they are ...".

Many times throughout ultra running, I've had to look into my heart to gut it out and finish; however, this first 100 finish I looked deep into my soul to break down just who I am, what I'm out to conquer and WHY I want to finish. I thought about all the things that make me, me. I thought about my relationships, my friendships, my family, and my future. I thought about what I want in life, what I'm willing to sacrifice, and what I will allow myself to endure to persevere in the end. I thought about how in the grand scheme of things running a hundred miles is just another obstacle that I need to conquer to say "you, too, won't defeat me".

I'm pleased to say this race didn't defeat me (slightly broke, yes. Defeat, no); if anything it has made me stronger. I realize I am not perfect, and I don't intend to ever try to be, I'm happy as I am. Im proud of who I am, and who I have yet to become. I'm a rockstar...try to tell me I can't do something, and ill show you a thousand different ways I can and will :)

Thanks everyone again. Until next time....

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